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Welcome Lads & Lassies
Colin's & Willys Page.. Click on each picture to view Larger size

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Nice to see Geoff back again


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When you view these 14/15 they have been cut down, to load faster and use less internet download, you can always get the Original from Me. If any one has any photos they would like to share, let me know. Mike

























    Copyright / Sparks & Co 2018






Photos Of Shoot Days 2011 / 2012
Work Party on 2nd June 2018
New Brige Construction - 18th April 2015 - Photos



08/09 Beaters & Shooters
Pictures Taken on 31.1.2009

Big John & Jannet



Downfarm Shoot - Colin's Page


Shoot Dates
Will Be Posted Here


Rules for Bedroom Golf

1. The Player will Furnish His Own equipment for play, Normally one club & two balls.

2. Owner of the course must approve equipment before play may begin.

3. Unlike regular Golf, the object of the game is to get the club in the hole while keeping the balls out.

4. For most effective play, the club should have a firm shaft. The Course owner may check the Stiffness of the shaft before allowing play to commence.

5. The course owner reserves the right to restrict the shaft length, as to avoid damage to the course.

6. The object of the game is to take as many strokes as possible until the course is satisfied.

7. Players cautioned to play the correct hole, as indicated by the course owner.

8.It is considered bad form to begin playing the hole immediately upon arrival at the course. Experienced players will admire the course, paying special attention to the well formed bunkers.

9. Players are cautioned not to mention other courses they have played recently played to the owner of the course being played.

10. If the course to be played is temporarily under repair, player is advised to find alternative means of play.

11. It is considered outstanding form to play the hole Several times in one match.

12. Course owners shall be the judge of who is the best player.

13. It is considered bad form to reveal your score to other players, or even that you have played the course!